This is the second major update of our list of psychologists (plus a few stray neuroscientists, therapists, students and psych-bloggers) who Tweet. Follower counts were correct as of late August / early Sept 2011. Compare with the first and second versions of the list compiled in November 2010 and March 2011. The Digest feeds and editorial team are in purple highlight.
Laura Kauffman. Child psychologist. Followers: 102073
Richard Wiseman. Parapsychologist. Followers: 89871
Leah Klungness. Author and psychologist. Followers: 35204
George Huba. Psychologist. Followers: 32779
Dolors Reig. Social psychologist (tweets in Spanish). Followers: 22204
Marsha Lucas. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 19962
Aleks Krotoski. Psychologist, tech journalist. Followers: 18074
Jonah Lehrer. Writer, blogger. Followers: 17421
Dan Ariely. Behavioural Economist, author. Followers: 15045
Steven Pinker. Psycholinguist, evolutionary psychologist, author. Followers: 13012
Jo Hemmings. Celebrity psychologist. Followers: 12455
BPS Research Digest. The BPS Research Digest! Followers: 10119
Melissa McCreery. Clinical Psychologist. Followers: 9259
Melanie Greenberg. Clinical health psychologist. Followers: 9248
David Ballard. Psychologist, Head of APA marketing. Followers: 8093
Graham Jones. Internet (cyber) psychologist. Followers: 6677
Petra Boynton. Psychologist, sex educator. Followers: 6001
Ciaran O'Keeffe. Parapsychologist. Followers: 5936
Mo Costandi. Writer, blogger. Followers: 5927
Vaughan Bell. Clinical neuropsychologist, blogger. Followers: 5791
Jeremy Dean. Blogger. Followers: 5706
David Eagleman. Neuroscientist, author. Followers: 5165
David Webb. Psychology tutor, blogger. Followers: 4368
John Grohol. Founder of Psychcentral. Followers: 3562
Susan Weinschenk. Psychologist and author. Followers: 3299
Bruce Hood. Cognitive scientist. Followers: 3293
Pam Dodd. Organisational psychologist. Followers: 3218
Rita Handrich. Psychologist, editor. Followers: 3004
Todd Finnerty. Psychologist. Followers: 2997
Daniel Levitin. Psychologist, author. Followers: 2968
Brian MacDonald. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 2544
Anthony Risser. Neuropsychologist, blogger. Followers: 2500
Sandeep Gautam. Blogger. Followers: 2459
Jay Watts. Clinical psychologist, Lacanian. Followers: 2444
The Psychologist magazine. Followers: 2243
Cary Cooper. Occupational psychologist. Followers: 2278
Wendy Cousins. Psychologist and skeptic. Followers: 2189
Maria Panagiotidi. Grad student. Followers: 2108
Dorothy Bishop. Developmental neuropsychologist. Followers: 1964
Ana Loback. Psychologist. Followers: 1914
Jon Sutton. Editor of The Psychologist. Followers: 1893
Manon Eileen. Clinical psychologist and criminologist. Followers: 1821
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore. Cognitive neuroscientist. Followers: 1808
Jason Goldman. Grad student, blogger. Followers: 1794
Uta Frith. Developmental neuropsychologist, autism expert. Followers: 1785
Jesse Bering. Psychologist, blogger. Followers: 1778
Mark Changizi. Cognitive psychologist, author. Followers: 1775
Honey Langcaster-James. Psychologist and coach. Followers: 1741
Sophie Scott. Neuroscientist. Followers: 1721
Chris Atherton. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 1670
Claudia Hammond. Radio presenter. Followers: 1630
Bradley Voytek. Neuroscientist and self-professed geek. Followers: 1469
Joseph LeDoux. Neuroscientist, rocker. Followers: 1433
Chris French. Anomalistic psychologist. Followers: 1405
Lyle Becourtney. Specialist in anger management. Followers: 1379
Alex Linley. Positive psychologist. Followers: 1332
G. Tendayi Viki. Social psychologist. Followers: 1326
Thanks to Ben Watson for updating the list. If you'd like to be added to future iterations of the list, please add your full name and Twitter tag to comments. Future additions to the list must be qualified psychologists (grad students were initially included for a short time, but the numbers were too great so we had to change this policy. However, that initial intake have been left in the list). Also, we're restricting the list to individuals, so no organisations please.
Claudia Hammond. Radio presenter. Followers: 1630
Bradley Voytek. Neuroscientist and self-professed geek. Followers: 1469
Joseph LeDoux. Neuroscientist, rocker. Followers: 1433
Chris French. Anomalistic psychologist. Followers: 1405
Lyle Becourtney. Specialist in anger management. Followers: 1379
Alex Linley. Positive psychologist. Followers: 1332
G. Tendayi Viki. Social psychologist. Followers: 1326
Rolfe Lindgren. Psychologist, personality expert. Followers: 1283
Richard Thaler. Behavioural economist. Followers: 1253.
Margarita Holmes. Psychologist and sex therapist. Followers: 1246
Marco Iacoboni. Neuroscientist, mirror neuron expert. Followers: 1215
Steven Brownlow. Clinical and forensic psychologist. Followers: 1161
Fretes Torruella. Educational psychologist (tweets in Spanish and English). Followers: 1145
The Neurocritic. Blogger. Followers: 1144
Voula Grand. Psychologist and writer. Followers: 1084
Richard Thaler. Behavioural economist. Followers: 1253.
Margarita Holmes. Psychologist and sex therapist. Followers: 1246
Marco Iacoboni. Neuroscientist, mirror neuron expert. Followers: 1215
Steven Brownlow. Clinical and forensic psychologist. Followers: 1161
Fretes Torruella. Educational psychologist (tweets in Spanish and English). Followers: 1145
The Neurocritic. Blogger. Followers: 1144
Voula Grand. Psychologist and writer. Followers: 1084
Rob Archer. Organisational psychologist. Followers: 1042
Dave Brodbeck. Comparative cognition and evolutionary psychologist. Followers: 1029
John Cacioppo. Psychologist, social neuroscientist. Followers: 1026
Atle Dyregrov. Psychologist, expert in crisis psychology. Followers: 1015
Jonathan Firth. Psychology teacher and author. Followers: 991
Rebecca Symes. Sports psychologist. Followers: 976
Simon Baron-Cohen. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 963
Charles Fernyhough. Developmental psychologist, author. Followers: 952
Karen Pine. Psychologist, author. Followers: 943
Monica Whitty. Cyberpsychologist. Followers: 913
Christian Jarrett. Psychologist and writer/editor. Followers: 909
Daniel Simons. Cognitive psychologist, author. Followers: 889
Rory O'Connor. Health psychologist, suicide researcher. Followers: 877
Mark Batey. Creativity expert. Followers: 835
Ben Hawkes. Psychologist, comedian. Followers: 819
Tom Stafford. Psychologist, author. Followers: 814
Wray Herbert. Writer for APS, author. Followers: 792
Miriam Law-Smith. Clinical evolutionary psychologist. Followers: 789
Victoria Galbraith. Counselling psychologist. Followers: 782
Caspar Addyman. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 718
BPS Occupational Digest. The BPS Occupational Digest. Followers: 694
Bruce Hutchison. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 694
Scott Kaufman. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 684
Eran Katz. Grad student (tweets in Hebrew). Followers: 671
Neuro Bonkers. Blogger. Followers: 657
James Neill. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 653
Christine Allen. Clinical psychologist and executive coach. Followers: 651
Patrick Macartney. Psychologist and sociologist. Followers: 617
Michelle Dawson. Autistic researcher. Followers: 613
Christopher H. Ramey. Psychologist. Followers: 607
Ioannis Nikolaou. Organisational psychologist (tweets in Greek and English). Followers: 602
David Matsumoto. Psychologist and judoka. Followers: 601
Chris Chabris and Daniel Simons. Cognitive psychologists. Followers: 536
Ciaran Mc Mahon. Psychologist. Followers: 533
Rachel Robinson. Child psychologist. Followers: 531
CoertVisser. Psychologist. Followers: 531
Daniela O'Neill. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 517
Michael Hogan. Psychologist and neuroscientist. Followers: 506
John Gibson. Psychologist. Followers: 493
Lorna Quandt. Grad student. Followers: 490
Daryl O'Connor. Health psychologist. Followers: 483
Karen Franklin. Forensic psychologist. Followers: 472
Romeo Vitelli. Psychologist in private practice. Followers: 457
Mike Garth. Sports psychologist. Followers: 452
Hilary Bruffell. Social psychologist. Followers: 442
Jenna Condie. Environmental psychologist. Followers: 440
Ken Gilhooly. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 440
Bex Hewett. PhD student in occupational psychology. Followers: 439
Caroline Watt. Parapsychologist. Followers: 425
Tom Hartley. Neuroscientist. Followers: 407
Jon Simons. Cognitive scientist. Followers: 403
Tim Byron. Music psychologist. Followers: 369
Kevin McGrew. Intelligence expert. Followers: 367
Sue Hartley. Psychologist. Followers: 358
Alex Fradera. Psychologist and editor. 267
Andy Fugard. Cognitive scientist. Followers: 306
Janet Civitelli. Counselling psychologist. Followers: 298
Deb Halasz. Research psychologist. Followers: 293
Jon Brock. Autism blogger, wannabe neuroscientist. Followers: 293
Astrid Christie. Grad student. Followers: 288
Els Blijd-Hoogewys. Clinical psychologist (tweets in Dutch and English). Followers: 284
Andrew and Sabrina. Psychological scientists. Followers: 283
Sarah Dale. Occupational psychologist and coach. Followers: 282
Peter Kinderman. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 281
Sven Rudloff. Business psychologist (tweets in English and German). Followers: 270
Brian Hughes. Psychologist and science blogger. Followers: 269
Ruthanna Gordon. Psychologist, sustainability expert. Followers: 252
Marc Smith. Psychologist and teacher. Followers: 252
Suzanne Conboy-Hill. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 249
Nancy Hoffman. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 248
Erika Salomon. Grad student. Followers: 240
Gareth Morris. Grad student. Followers: 233
Simon Dymond. Behavioural neuroscientist. Followers: 233
Sanja Dutina. Psychologist. Followers: 229
Johnrev Guilaran. Clinical psychologist trainee. Followers: 227
Dylan Lopich. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 220
Adrian Wale. Cognitive scientist, writer. Followers: 218
Alex Birch. Business psychologist. Followers: 218
Catherine Loveday. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 214
Carlos Rivera. Political psychologist (tweets in Spanish). Followers: 209
Alice Jones. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 206
Craig Bertram. Grad student. Followers: 205
Marc Scully. Social psychologist. Followers: 205
John Hyland. Experimental psychologist. Followers: 185
Catriona Morrison. Experimental psychologist. Followers: 184
Chris Pawluk. School psychologist. Followers: 183
Paul Hanges. Organisational psychologist. Followers: 173
Darrell Rudmann. Educational psychologist. Followers: 173
Talya Grumberg. Mental health counsellor. Followers: 170
Lila Chrysikou. Psychologist. Followers: 166
Mark Hoelterhoff. Experimental existential psychologist. Followers: 164
Jui Bhagwat. Child psychologist. Followers: 161
John Houser. School psychologist. Followers: 159
Odette Beris. Psychologist and coach. Followers: 155
Bren Rooney. Psychologist. Followers: 154
Kevin Friery. Psychologist, psychotherapist. Followers: 149
Arvid Kappas. Emotion researcher. Followers: 143
Chris Brand. Cognitive psychologist in training. Followers: 141
Ruth Schumacher. Counselling psychologist. Followers: 141
Gillian Smith. Alcohol and drug researcher. Followers: 135
Amy Hogan. Cyberpsychologist. Followers: 135
Valeschka Guerra. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 134
Matteo Cantamesse. Social psychologist. Followers: 134
Simon Knight. Psychologist. Followers: 134
Gerald Guild. Psychologist, autism specialist. Followers: 128
Matt Wall. Neuroscientist. Followers: 125
Morton Ann Gernsbacher. Cognitive neuroscientist. Followers: 120
Courtenay Norbury. Cognitive scientist. Followers: 115
Jen Lewis. Grad student. Followers: 99
Andrea Dinardo. Positive psychologist. Followers: 97
Philip Collier. Sport and positive psychologist. Followers: 96
Chelsea Walsh. Family and marriage therapist. Followers: 95
Caitlin Allison. Trainee counselling psychologist. Followers: 94
Marien Gadea. Neuroscientist. Followers: 89
Alison Price. Occupational psychologist. Followers: 83
Sarah Rose Cavanagh. Positive psychologist. Followers: 81
Peter M Forster. Psychologist and scuba instructor. Followers: 80
David Hughes. Psychologist. Followers: 75
Linda Kaye. Cyberpsychologist. Followers: 74
Laura Caulfield. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 74
Helen Jones. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 72
Susan Grey. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 71
Portia Hickey. Business psychologist. Followers: 71
Tal Yarkoni. Cognitive neuroscientist. Followers: 67
Jill Caffrey. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 64
James Hardie. Applied psychologist. Followers: 62
Nikki Botting. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 59
Barry McGuinness. Psychologist, writer. Followers: 58
Antonia Hamilton. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 56
David Yates. Grad student. Followers: 53
Victoria Mason. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 52
Paul Hutchings. Social psychologist. Followers: 50
Sian Jones. Grad student. Followers: 44
Kathryn Newns. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 38
Simon Hunter. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 37
Brigitte Minel. Psychotherapist and author (tweets in French). Followers: 34
John Taylor. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 33
Deborah Budding. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 33
Ian Patterson. Psychologist. Followers: 28
Emily Hutchinson. Occupational psychologist. Followers: 24
Lorraine Hope. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 22
Amanda Callen. Customer service psychologist. Followers: 20
Gina Langley. Psychologist. Followers: 8
Dave Brodbeck. Comparative cognition and evolutionary psychologist. Followers: 1029
John Cacioppo. Psychologist, social neuroscientist. Followers: 1026
Atle Dyregrov. Psychologist, expert in crisis psychology. Followers: 1015
Jonathan Firth. Psychology teacher and author. Followers: 991
Rebecca Symes. Sports psychologist. Followers: 976
Simon Baron-Cohen. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 963
Charles Fernyhough. Developmental psychologist, author. Followers: 952
Karen Pine. Psychologist, author. Followers: 943
Monica Whitty. Cyberpsychologist. Followers: 913
Christian Jarrett. Psychologist and writer/editor. Followers: 909
Daniel Simons. Cognitive psychologist, author. Followers: 889
Rory O'Connor. Health psychologist, suicide researcher. Followers: 877
Mark Batey. Creativity expert. Followers: 835
Ben Hawkes. Psychologist, comedian. Followers: 819
Tom Stafford. Psychologist, author. Followers: 814
Wray Herbert. Writer for APS, author. Followers: 792
Miriam Law-Smith. Clinical evolutionary psychologist. Followers: 789
Victoria Galbraith. Counselling psychologist. Followers: 782
Caspar Addyman. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 718
BPS Occupational Digest. The BPS Occupational Digest. Followers: 694
Bruce Hutchison. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 694
Scott Kaufman. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 684
Eran Katz. Grad student (tweets in Hebrew). Followers: 671
Neuro Bonkers. Blogger. Followers: 657
James Neill. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 653
Christine Allen. Clinical psychologist and executive coach. Followers: 651
Patrick Macartney. Psychologist and sociologist. Followers: 617
Michelle Dawson. Autistic researcher. Followers: 613
Christopher H. Ramey. Psychologist. Followers: 607
Ioannis Nikolaou. Organisational psychologist (tweets in Greek and English). Followers: 602
David Matsumoto. Psychologist and judoka. Followers: 601
Chris Chabris and Daniel Simons. Cognitive psychologists. Followers: 536
Ciaran Mc Mahon. Psychologist. Followers: 533
Rachel Robinson. Child psychologist. Followers: 531
CoertVisser. Psychologist. Followers: 531
Daniela O'Neill. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 517
Michael Hogan. Psychologist and neuroscientist. Followers: 506
John Gibson. Psychologist. Followers: 493
Lorna Quandt. Grad student. Followers: 490
Daryl O'Connor. Health psychologist. Followers: 483
Karen Franklin. Forensic psychologist. Followers: 472
Romeo Vitelli. Psychologist in private practice. Followers: 457
Mike Garth. Sports psychologist. Followers: 452
Hilary Bruffell. Social psychologist. Followers: 442
Jenna Condie. Environmental psychologist. Followers: 440
Ken Gilhooly. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 440
Bex Hewett. PhD student in occupational psychology. Followers: 439
Caroline Watt. Parapsychologist. Followers: 425
Tom Hartley. Neuroscientist. Followers: 407
Jon Simons. Cognitive scientist. Followers: 403
Tim Byron. Music psychologist. Followers: 369
Kevin McGrew. Intelligence expert. Followers: 367
Sue Hartley. Psychologist. Followers: 358
Alex Fradera. Psychologist and editor. 267
Andy Fugard. Cognitive scientist. Followers: 306
Janet Civitelli. Counselling psychologist. Followers: 298
Deb Halasz. Research psychologist. Followers: 293
Jon Brock. Autism blogger, wannabe neuroscientist. Followers: 293
Astrid Christie. Grad student. Followers: 288
Els Blijd-Hoogewys. Clinical psychologist (tweets in Dutch and English). Followers: 284
Andrew and Sabrina. Psychological scientists. Followers: 283
Sarah Dale. Occupational psychologist and coach. Followers: 282
Peter Kinderman. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 281
Sven Rudloff. Business psychologist (tweets in English and German). Followers: 270
Brian Hughes. Psychologist and science blogger. Followers: 269
Ruthanna Gordon. Psychologist, sustainability expert. Followers: 252
Marc Smith. Psychologist and teacher. Followers: 252
Suzanne Conboy-Hill. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 249
Nancy Hoffman. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 248
Erika Salomon. Grad student. Followers: 240
Gareth Morris. Grad student. Followers: 233
Simon Dymond. Behavioural neuroscientist. Followers: 233
Sanja Dutina. Psychologist. Followers: 229
Johnrev Guilaran. Clinical psychologist trainee. Followers: 227
Dylan Lopich. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 220
Adrian Wale. Cognitive scientist, writer. Followers: 218
Alex Birch. Business psychologist. Followers: 218
Catherine Loveday. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 214
Carlos Rivera. Political psychologist (tweets in Spanish). Followers: 209
Alice Jones. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 206
Craig Bertram. Grad student. Followers: 205
Marc Scully. Social psychologist. Followers: 205
John Hyland. Experimental psychologist. Followers: 185
Catriona Morrison. Experimental psychologist. Followers: 184
Chris Pawluk. School psychologist. Followers: 183
Paul Hanges. Organisational psychologist. Followers: 173
Darrell Rudmann. Educational psychologist. Followers: 173
Talya Grumberg. Mental health counsellor. Followers: 170
Lila Chrysikou. Psychologist. Followers: 166
Mark Hoelterhoff. Experimental existential psychologist. Followers: 164
Jui Bhagwat. Child psychologist. Followers: 161
John Houser. School psychologist. Followers: 159
Odette Beris. Psychologist and coach. Followers: 155
Bren Rooney. Psychologist. Followers: 154
Kevin Friery. Psychologist, psychotherapist. Followers: 149
Arvid Kappas. Emotion researcher. Followers: 143
Chris Brand. Cognitive psychologist in training. Followers: 141
Ruth Schumacher. Counselling psychologist. Followers: 141
Gillian Smith. Alcohol and drug researcher. Followers: 135
Amy Hogan. Cyberpsychologist. Followers: 135
Valeschka Guerra. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 134
Matteo Cantamesse. Social psychologist. Followers: 134
Simon Knight. Psychologist. Followers: 134
Gerald Guild. Psychologist, autism specialist. Followers: 128
Matt Wall. Neuroscientist. Followers: 125
Morton Ann Gernsbacher. Cognitive neuroscientist. Followers: 120
Courtenay Norbury. Cognitive scientist. Followers: 115
Jen Lewis. Grad student. Followers: 99
Andrea Dinardo. Positive psychologist. Followers: 97
Philip Collier. Sport and positive psychologist. Followers: 96
Chelsea Walsh. Family and marriage therapist. Followers: 95
Caitlin Allison. Trainee counselling psychologist. Followers: 94
Marien Gadea. Neuroscientist. Followers: 89
Alison Price. Occupational psychologist. Followers: 83
Sarah Rose Cavanagh. Positive psychologist. Followers: 81
Peter M Forster. Psychologist and scuba instructor. Followers: 80
David Hughes. Psychologist. Followers: 75
Linda Kaye. Cyberpsychologist. Followers: 74
Laura Caulfield. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 74
Helen Jones. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 72
Susan Grey. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 71
Portia Hickey. Business psychologist. Followers: 71
Tal Yarkoni. Cognitive neuroscientist. Followers: 67
Jill Caffrey. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 64
James Hardie. Applied psychologist. Followers: 62
Nikki Botting. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 59
Barry McGuinness. Psychologist, writer. Followers: 58
Antonia Hamilton. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 56
David Yates. Grad student. Followers: 53
Victoria Mason. Psychology lecturer. Followers: 52
Paul Hutchings. Social psychologist. Followers: 50
Sian Jones. Grad student. Followers: 44
Kathryn Newns. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 38
Simon Hunter. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 37
Brigitte Minel. Psychotherapist and author (tweets in French). Followers: 34
John Taylor. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 33
Deborah Budding. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 33
Ian Patterson. Psychologist. Followers: 28
Emily Hutchinson. Occupational psychologist. Followers: 24
Lorraine Hope. Cognitive psychologist. Followers: 22
Amanda Callen. Customer service psychologist. Followers: 20
Gina Langley. Psychologist. Followers: 8
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